Gina Angela Mason

Gina Angela Mason
My Soulmate

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Quick Update To Ease Your Minds

Riverside Intensive Care Unit, WED 01/13/2010

Just wanted to send a quick update to all of you wonderful and loving supporters out there. You have all been such a blessing and it feels so good for Gina, the kids and myself to know you are right there by our sides through those good and now trying times.

  • Gina still having a difficult time with the pain; even though our lil angel (Dr Lynn McDonald) has spent many, many tireless hours trying to get Gina comfortable.
  • It is no surprise to all who know Gina, that she is VERY strong-willed and has remarkable sense of courage - even with all the meds she has in her to help ease her pain, she will NOT stop fighting and does not wish to let go of life.
  • I've always believed that there is a 'special' place in Heaven's gates where people with Gina's strong Faith and loving heart ends up at. I just have a very difficult time knowing that time is now, or close to it and I cannot seem to let her go.
  • I do know that Gina is truly the one woman in my life that I have felt makes me complete and has become one with my heart and soul - a true definition of what a soulmate is.
  • The doctor met today with us and basically is still trying to turn over each stone to see what can be done to ease Gina's pain and make her as peaceful and comfortable as possible.
  • We were told that it could be just a couple of days on Saturday night and now it seems it is still another couple of days or "until the Good LORD calls her home".
  • My one and only request to the staff here as well as GOD is to make her last few days here as peaceful and pain free as can be.
  • I know in my heart that there will never be another person as special to me as Gina is and I am truly blessed for each and every waking moment I have with her.
  • As I sit here in the hospital typing this to you all, the tears are uncontrollably running down my cheeks and yet I take comfort in knowing I was given a slice of "Heaven on Earth" to have by my side such a beautiful woman, both inside and out, to share these last 18 years with.

Please keep Gina and the kids (who are struggling through these difficult times) in you thoughts and prayers. I am so very grateful to have the people I do in my life and owe a great deal of it all to my wife, my best friend and my everlasting soulmate, Gina. I do hold onto Gina and whisper in her ears how much I love her and tell her everything is going to be okay. I also tell her of all the wonderful people that are praying for her each and every day.

--- thanks to all of you


Anonymous said...

I wish I had some magic words that could make this easier for you, Gina, and the kids. All I can say is that I'm praying for God to hold you all so close, and that we love you. It goes without saying that if there is anything you need, you need only reach out.

Love, Jody, Dave, Riley and Cami

Ron said...


If I had enough faith to move mountains, but didnt love others, I would be nothing. If I gave everything I have to the poor or even sacrificed my own body,I could boast about it, but if I didnt have love, I would have gained nothing...Love never gives up, never looses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance...All that I know "now" is partial and incomplete, but "then" I will know everything completely, just as God knows me completely. Three things that will last forever-faith, hope, and love- and the greatest of these is love.

1 Cor. 13:2-13

Life does not end, it changes

Deanna and Eddie said...

bob~ you are an amazing soulmate to gina and have been there for her unconditionally. gina is an inspiration to all women who are battling cancer to never give up fighting, stay strong to the very end. and then some in ginas case! she is such a strong and beautiful woman. you have been blessed by having her with you so long. even by being given the chance to keep her with you for the last 2 1/2 years thru this journey. i pray day and night for a miracle and for peace for you all. please keep in your mind that i can be there in a second if you guys need anything. i love you all dearly~ Deanna Eddie and family

Anonymous said...

Bob... your words are beautiful. I can not say anything to make you feel better- yet your words comfort me. Thank you for taking care of my beautiful friend Gina with such tender compassion. You are a wonderful husband, father and friend and the world is a better place for all of us who are lucky enough to have shared in Gina's life. Gina will leave her legacy 2 beautiful children for you to take care of and remember her each time you look at them. I will continue to pray for a miracle for your family.... God can really suprise us sometimes. We love you all so much and if there is anything we can say or do to comfort you or the kids please call anytime day or night. Much love and prayers,
~Jeanie Steve Hannah and Alli

Retta said...


Ron said...


You keep track of my sorrows.
You have collected each one of my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded each one in your book.

Psalm 56:8

Dawn said...

I am at working crying.....and all I want to do is leave here and get up there to you guys. Thinking of you guys.

Anonymous said...

We all have been blessed to have Gina in our lives. I only regret that over the years i had not done a better job at staying in touch. I find myself without the words.. and in disbelief, I pray that God will give her peace and the same for you and the family. I know Bailey may not remember me but please give her a hug for me.

Love Mike Hanson

Ron said...

As for me, my life has been poured out as an offering to God. My time is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and have remained faithful, and now the prize awaits me-the crown of rightiousness, which the Lord, the rightious Judge, will give me on the day of his return. this prize is the same for all who look forward to his coming.

2 Tim 4-6:8

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that Gina and your family have had to come to this kind of ending, your posting had me so hopeful for Gina to be "cured". You sound like the husband/soulmate every woman would want! I have known Gina and the Pitts family for many years. You don't know me but I have the utmost respect for you for being by Gina's side thru all of this
and my heart goes out to you and your family! You have been a true inspiration to me! Praying for a cure! May Gina and family have peace!

Lori LeBran-Jones

Ron said...

Dear brothers and sisters, we want you to know what will happen to believers who pass on so you will not grieve like people without faith. Since we belieive that Jesus was raised back to life, we also believe that when he returns, God will also bring back all the beleivers whom have fallen asleep (died).

We tell you this directly from the Lord:...The Lord will come with a commanding shout...First the Christians who have died will rise... Then...we who are still on the earth...will be caught up along with them to be with the Lord forever. So encourage one another with these words.

1 Thes. 4:13-18 (para.)

Maureen said...

I really wish my angel connections could help ease everyone's pain. Gina is the most amazing person I know and the very strongest. please know that i will do anything i can to help and bob if you would please tell gina that i love her and she is in are hearts and prayers here at the bishop home. love maureen

Nals102 said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to post this update. I check my computer hourly to see if theres a change. I have been praying for Gina and all of you, the kids, her family, everyone endlessly the last few days. I wish you'd call and tell me something I could do to help you. Everyone has already said what I feel about Gina. One heck of a strong willed person isn't she? A fight till the end. If a miracle doesn't come after all Bobby, I think God kept her around so long to show everyone who knew her how to LIVE every moment to the fullest. She's given the world a gift that not many can give. She's taught us lessons we would of never learned. God used her as a vessel because he knew she was strong enough to do his work. I remember Gina going with us to a Beauty Show. She opened her suitcase and a love letter was in there from you. She missed you and the kids so much she wanted to turn around and come home. WE talked her into staying with the girls and getting away to have some fun. But let there NEVER be any doubt how much she loved her family and being a wife and mommy to them. You all were always #1 to her. Even in her work. We stayed late to take another appt. but Gina stuck to her guns and went home to cook the meal she needed to for her family or make the kids games. I better stop here. I love you all, I love her and I am so blessed to of had her in my life.

Anonymous said...

Our love, prayer and hearts go to to Gina and her family. Bob if you need anything please let us know.
I will help with the kids or the animals. Please just let us know what we can do to help.

Donna & Shawn Harris

The Betourne's said...

Just wanted you to know we are still thinking about you guys and praying sooo hard for Gina..Yes, you are an amazing couple and Gina is such a special gift to us all.I have never met anyone else like her ,I probably never will.Stay strong and remember we love you!
Sending bigger hugs your way too..
Love , Georgette~Kevin~Brody~Kody~Kyle

Jeff and Amy said...

Thank you for allowing so many people to share in you and Gina's journey, strength, and love. Our thoughts and prayers remain with you and your families.

angie said...

Dear sweet gina, tonight as I began to pray for you and your family, many of our childhood memories began to pop into my head, almost like a slideshow or movie, and I began to smile. I remember all the fun we used to have together being neighbors all those years, and of course being friends...having so much fun together, and of course getting into trouble together as well. You were quite the fighter then as I remember and are the strongest and bravest fighter now. You have touched so many lives, not just for the battle you have been fighting, but for the person that you are and have always been since I've known you. You continue to inspire others to keep fighting and to not give up the battle so as to be able to win the war. If anyone can do it, I know you can!!!
God has Blessed all who have known and loved you all this years with a precious gift, and that gift is YOU!!! I pray that GOD wraps his loving arms around you and your family and continues to give you the strength you need and gives you peace in your matter what, you will always be with us....May GOD continue to Bless each and every one of you...
with much love,
angie hasemeyer

Nals102 said...

Bobby awake and still checking sites to see if anything about Gina has been posted since the last time I looked. You are in my thoughts and prayers 24/7 right now. I hope the kids are doing well with this. I hope all of you are ok. Feel a big hug around you as I am praying all day every day for ALL of you including the entire family. God bless you all and keep you in his care.

Anonymous said...

I can not get your family off of my mind. I think about each and every one of you all day and ever time I awake during the night. I am praying that God- takes Gina gently and that he will wrap his arms around each one of us who will feel this tremendous loss. Gina has touched so many lives that she will never be forgotten nor will she be far from our memories.
I feel like I check this site for updated every 10 minutes and just want you to know you are all on my mind constantly. May God grant you the strenght to accept the things you can not change. love and hugs to each and every one of you fighting this fight with Gina. I want so bad to just wrap my arms around Bob, Bailey, Riley and Gina's parents and tell them that we are all with each of you spiritually prayig for that miracle.

Anonymous said...

Bob and Gina,
I just received the news about Gina's heroic on-going battle with cancer and my heart is breaking. I am so sad that through the years we lost contact. When I think of middleschool and especially highschool your beautiful face I see in the memories. We had some wonderful times together, some crazy times, and even some sad times, but we were always together!
It was such a blessing to my heart to read that you know Jesus Christ as your Savior. I pray that he brings you peace and comfort today.
Thank you Bob for all the updates you are posting.
All my love,
Alicia Beland Hickman

Ron said...

From Psalms 73:24
...You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny. Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. "My health may fail", and my spirit may grow week, But God remains the strength of my heart; He is mine forever.

I love you Brother