Gina Angela Mason

Gina Angela Mason
My Soulmate

Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Updates for October 4th, 2009


  • Gina had her third round of the Avastin and Herceptin chemo last Thursday
  • Still having pain in rt leg and using crutches to get around but spirits are up and hair coming back.
  • Gina trying to work on tremors taking the max of meds for the tremors but not as effective as you would think but Gina wants to continue taking them.
  • Going to see Dr Nicholas on October 16 and Dr Jimenez on October 6.
  • Still trying to get the swelling in brain down but hoping Avastin will continue to help with more treatments.
  • Gina's voice seems better but sounds weak as she has been getting really tired with the tremor meds and all the rest too!
  • We will keep you posted and keep the prayers coming.
Thanks to all of you.

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