Gina Angela Mason

Gina Angela Mason
My Soulmate

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dr, Peabody Visit

DR Peabody visit at University of Chicago's Center for Advanced Medicine @ 1 PM

  • Consultation about right femur to discuss options to treat
  • Expert in Bone treatments


Lauren said...

I just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers and that I know everything is going to be fine...I must say that this Drs name is very funny I mean really just say it out loud doesn't make you want to laugh DR. PEA BODY!!! Well please call if you need anything!!! Love ya

Heather said...

My ex-husband had a cancerous tumor removed along w/ the leg bone, which was replaced by a titanium rod + joint. This was done by a Dr. Simon, who had a Dr. Peabody studying under him. He has been cancer free for 11 years now. Hopefully this is your Dr. Peabody.

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